If there is one key-learning that businesses should have realized in 2020 is that a strong E-commerce presence is now mandatory if you want to thrive in today’s business world.

With Covid19 sanitary measures leading to the closure of physical shops all around the world, a lot of companies saw their sales drop dramatically. The ones who were able to succeed, are the ones who already had an established e-commerce website or businesses selling through renowned marketplaces such as Amazon.

Now the Covid19 pandemic is not a normal situation, so here are some insights suggesting that selling on Amazon is a good opportunity for your business.

  • According to a PwC’s 2017 report, 39 percent of Americans begin their shopping journey on Amazon, 28% globally.
  • A 2018 Salesforce and Publicis.Sapient report reveals that 47% of online shoppers use marketplaces for repeat purchase winning over retail (30%).
  • Statista expects an e-commerce annual growth rate of 7.4% per year from 2020 to 2025

But what does SEO has to do with all of this you may ask? Well, to put it simply, Amazon is like Google but for products. When you search for products on Amazon, you are shown a result page with products that fits best your query. A better optimized product page will have a better ranking for a specific search. Considering that 80% of people only look at the first page of a search result, having a good ranking is crucial to achieve good conversion results.

In short : Amazon SEO  = Optimizing Product Listings = Better Rankings = More Visibility = More Sales.

Here are 9 Factors that will help you achieve better ranking with the Amazon search algorithm:

  1. Amazon style guide
  2. Customer Reviews
  3. Optimized product pages
  4. A+ content
  5. Good keywords
  6. High CTR and conversion rate
  7. High External traffic
  8. Good PPC campaigns
  9. Inventory management


Many businesses sell their product on Amazon, but many don’t find the success that they expected. A solid SEO strategy is crucial if you want to perform on Amazon as you will have fierce competition depending on your product. Those tips are only an introduction to Amazon SEO but are enough to give you an overview of the best practices. Also like with Google, Amazon’s search algorithm is getting updated from time to time. The last update called A10 changed the impact of some factors, meaning you have to be up to date if you want to succeed on Amazon. If you want to know more about the update you can check this article from Repricer.

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