Key Leader Opinion or also called KOLs is one of the main elements in a marketing strategy in China. For any brands who wants to establish itself in China, they have to make sure to integrate KOLs in their plans.

KOLs can be found on every Chinese social media, from entertainment to e-commerce.

As influencers, they provide information, opinion and attitude toward a brand or its products to their community through their content. With livestreaming’s popularity, they are really active on these kinds of platforms.  They have gone more and more popular over the recent years and younger Chinese aspire to be one of them, even if it is really hard to become one.

Chinese consumers are in constant search of quality, entertainment, information, authenticity, emotion and personalization. KOLs have been proved useful to a brand in terms of visibility, image or sales. For the biggest ones, they can make more than 120K euro of sales per minute during livestreaming. They have a high power on brands sales.

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Manon Anger

Photo credit : Courtesy of Wu Jinzhuo