WeChat Mini-Programs, despite existing for a while now, became a thing in 2018. We saw thousands of new Mini-Programs being developed and shared by brands for the main use or for games and specific events.

They are easier, faster, cheaper and lighter (size file) for brands to release. Nowadays, it’s rare to see a brand without its own WeChat Mini-Program. It’s a key attraction point for consumers: have fun with us, buy with us!

A new survey co-conducted by Tencent Research & Development and by Chinese Research Agency Kueclub (酷鹅研究院) details the use of Wechat Mini-Programs by Chinese consumers and what are the effects on brands.

8 000 Mini-Programs users were surveyed. 40% think Mini-Programs will replace traditional Apps on the long-term and 70% are favorable to the development of Mini-Programs within WeChat.

5 Key takeaways from the survey:

1 viagra générique en ligne belgique. Encourage users to stay within a mini-program

2. Difficulty to find Mini-Programs and limited use

3. Group coupons and discounts within Wechat facilitate and encourage users to shop

4. Focus on functionality and entertainment Mini-Programs

5. Identify a user’s genuine interest: financial benefits for downloading Apps have low retention rates

New developments?

TENCENT announced in their last report a new scoring system for their WeChat Mini-Programs and an “Outstanding Mini Programs Initiative” to facilitate the access and use of these by WeChat users.

Developers of Mini-Programs will also benefit from more advanced tools, new APIs and enhanced cloud services to pursue the development WeChat Mini-Programs.

In Conclusion

WeChat Mini-Programs are slowly, but surely, taking over Apps downloads on both iOS and Android systems. There are no limits with both systems as WeChat operates freely on both. TENCENT is accessing, understanding and answering their customers’ needs before anyone else.

What kinds of Mini-Programs do you use? Are you still using apps that you could use in WeChat Mini-Programs?

Image credits: Le Wagon